Other than National Soft Pretzel Month and, of course, April Fool’s Day, this time of year marks the beginning of spring and a re-awakening of sorts. We’ve made it past the dog days of winter and the world is full of possibilities for the coming spring and summer months.

This Week’s Meeting

Week beginning March 30, 2015

Presiding today is Brian Moore, President

bellDing! We’re now in session.

Welcome all – Visitors, fellow Rotarians and guests alike to the E-Club meeting for the week of March 30, 2015!

Remember the smiling pot. Donations to our E-Club help support our service projects.

We’d like to respectfully remind all visitors that if they would like to contribute the normal cost of a meal for your makeup, we would be grateful. These funds go directly to our many and varied service projects around the world. You can make a contribution in the Donation box on your left. Or you can write a check to:  Rotary E-Club of District 7530 and mail it to Treasurer MSRE, 115 Hoffman Avenue, Morgantown, WV 26505.

Four-Way Test

At the beginning of each meeting we remind ourselves of the The Four-Way Test.  Therefore, please remember to ask yourself always . . .

Of the things we think, say or do:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

A Reflective Moment

You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. — Confucius

A Light Moment

Among other things, April is National Fresh Celery Month and National Soft Pretzel Month. And, that is not an April Fool’s Joke. Enjoy some fresh celery and soft pretzels this month!

This week’s Program:

Spring Has Sprung And Its Time for Action!

Other than National Soft Pretzel Month and, of course, April Fool’s Day, this time of year marks the beginning of spring and a re-awakening of sorts. We’ve made it past the dog days of winter and the world is full of possibilities for the coming spring and summer months.

If you are like me, you have a bunch of goals but maybe need a little motivation. We want to exercise more, if only we could get motivated. We want to improve our careers, if only we get motivated. We want to fulfill our Rotary service hours. If only we get motivated! If only we had the motivation, we could accomplish great things! But, motivation does not automatically occur. Something has to happen to create the motivation. Maybe you have to hit rock bottom before you are willing to change. Maybe a health problem will help you get serious about diet and exercise. I’ll let you in on a little secret though. You don’t have to wait for something to trigger the motivation. You can create motivation right now. Just take action. If you are suffering from a lack of motivation, try taking action first – even if it a very small action. While this may be uncomfortable initially, taking action will actually help create the motivation you need to take more action. More action will create more motivation. You’ll see a snowball effect. Think of diet and exercise. When you first start out, it is awkward, uncomfortable, and easy to give up. But, once you’ve devoted some time to it, you become more motivated and more committed. You don’t want to lose your investment and, once you learn you can do it, you become more motivated to continue doing it. This principle applies to any activity in your life that you want or need to do. Actually doing it will motivate you to do it more. So, instead of waiting to become motivated, take a little action now and the motivation will come naturally.

Sometimes we only have a vague notion of wanting to accomplish something, but are not quite sure what our ultimate goal should be or how we should get there. If that describes you, the answer is still to take action! Action creates motivation and helps you figure out whether the path you are on is the correct one or needs modified. Check out this short video for further thoughts from Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul:

Taking Action Even When You’re Not Exactly Sure What To Do!

Thank you for participating in this week’s meeting!

And . . . don’t forget to leave a comment after this week’s meeting in order to spur further discussion.