Posted by Bonnie Branciaroli on Dec 10, 2019
December is Disease Prevention and Treatment month, which is one of The Rotary Foundation's Areas of Focus. Fellow E-Club member Dr. Leela Raju presents updated information on the Eye Foundation of America, established in Morgantown, WV in 1979 by her father, VK Raju.


PRESIDING TODAY IS: Dr. Leela Raju, Member

bellDing! We’re now in session.

Welcome all – visitors, fellow Rotarians and guests alike to this E-Club program!

Remember the Four-Way Test!

At the beginning of each meeting we remind ourselves of the The Four-Way Test.  Therefore, please remember to ask yourself always . . .

Of the things we think, say or do:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Reflective Moments

“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
       – Hellen Keller
“He that is strucken blind can not forget the precious treasure of his eyesight lost.”
       – William Shakespeare
“Few things are hidden from a quiet child with good eyesight.”
       ― Terry Pratchett


Leadership Quotes

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
       – Mahatma Gandhi
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
       – Jonathan Swift
“Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses.”
       –  Lady Gaga








Looking through the Eyes to the World

Disease Prevention and Treatment is one of the Rotary Foundation's Areas of Focus. And for good reason. The health and vitality of a person, a family and a community can be seriously impaired by what in many cases is a preventable disease. 


Disease prevention is really a keystone to progress in other areas as well because of the interplay with other areas of focus like Water and Sanitation and Maternal & Child Health.


The eradication of polio has, of course, been Rotary International's major worldwide effort since the early 1980s, and remarkable progress has been made.




Eye Foundation of America

Fellow E-Club member Dr. Leela Raju provides the presentation today via Powerpoint that highlights the Eye Foundation of America (EFA) and its global work. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that eighty percent of the world's 45 million blind people live in developing countries. The Eye Foundation of America's (EFA) mission is to go where the need is greatest – often rural and remote areas of developing countries where there is no medical care and where the cost of the care is prohibitive.


The Eye Foundation of America was founded in 1979 by her father, VK Raju, MD, a well-known ophthalmologist at Regional Eye in Morgantown, WV. He is a clinical professor of ophthalmology at West Virginia University and an adjunct professor at the GSL Medical School in India. Dr. Raju also serves as president and chairman of Goutami Eye Institute in India, and is a member of the Rotary Club of Morgantown.


Dr. Leela Raju is the daughter of Dr. Raju and is an ophthalmologist in Brooklyn, New York. She is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Mon Health Medical Center, NYC Health and Hospitals-Bellevue, and NYU Langone Health - Tisch Hospital.


In this season of giving, consider donating to the Eye Foundation of America. The EFA Board of Directors will match all donations dollar-for-dollar until December 16, 2019.







The Mountain State Rotary E-Club (MSRE) is a member club of Rotary International District 7545 (covering most of West Virginia, excluding the Eastern panhandle) and RI Zone 33, which encompasses a large portion of the eastern sector of the United States.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January  8, 2020 at noon via Zoom.
Members, please leave a comment, so we know you've visited us! If you are a Rotarian using this program as your make-up meeting and would like to contribute the cost of your normal Rotary meeting meal, we would be grateful. These funds go directly to our service projects. You can make a contribution through the Give/Donate link on the homepage. 
Be sure to Like our Facebook page so we can stay connected!